My Beginning Into Exercise

It’s been almost 7-years since I became a Personal Trainer, and let me tell you, I wasn’t always into fitness. I grew up being forced into a lot of sports/physical activity, but with no roll model to follow, all I wanted to do was watch TV and eat, just like the rest of my family and friends. Every opportunity I had to quit, I took it - causing me to gain weight and become incredibly self-conscious.

In my early 20s, after years of having chronic back pain, and 4-years of working at a gym without ever exercising, a co-worker took me under his wing and taught me the world of exercise. Since then, my life has changed drastically. After a few weeks, my back pain was gone, I started losing weight, and noticed my body changing for the better. I gained some confidence (the rest came in my late 20s, but that’s another story for another day ;)), and felt like I was becoming a new and much improved woman.

Then one day, the most amazing trainer/my fitness Guru asked if I wanted to sit in on the Personal Training course offered at my gym for free. I laughed and agreed even though I thought there was no point. It was then that I truly found my passion for the fitness industry. At this point, I had graduated University with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, knew I wanted to help people but that wasn’t how. Upon getting let go from a decent job as an Oncology Coordinator, I realized that it was no or never if I was going to do something with my new certification. Luckily for me, my amazing fitness Guru was going away on vacation and asked if I wanted to sub her classes with no pay to get my name out there and gain some experience. The rest was history and I’ve never looked back.

Becoming a Personal Trainer was the best decision I ever made, and I can’t imagine doing anything else. I found my passion, my love, and my life through exercise. I also found a method to release anger and stress, as well as all my excess energy. Every day of my life, I want to make sure to help others the way exercise has helped me. If I make a difference in even one person’s life, that means the world to me.

Come HAUPT-INTO-SHAPE with me!

Marissa Haupt *hugs*

Active LivingMarissa Haupt