10min At Home Core Workout

Gym closed? Stuck at home? Finding it hard to get a workout in? Here’s a quick 10 minute core workout for you to do. #noexcuses

Remember, anything is better than nothing. Especially in a time like this where everyone is so stressed, it helps to take 10 minutes for yourself. Not only will this challenge you physically, but the 10 minute mental escape will do you wonders, making you more productive for the rest of the day!

How to do it:

  1. Grab your cell phone for a timer.

  2. Grab weights if you have them. If not, no worries, you can do all of this without, just mimic the movements, as if you had weights. You can also grab household items and use those as weights (like jars of tomato sauce, or canned beans), just make sure each hand is holding something about equal in weight.

  3. Perform 4 rounds of the exercises listed below, with the assigned amount of time for each. If you don’t have time for 4 rounds, do 3. If for whatever reason you can’t manage the assigned time, decrease it slightly and do what you can do. (Anything is better than nothing!!!)

4 Rounds of:

30secs Burpees

1min 1-Leg Deadlift Rows (30sec left/ 30sec right)

1min Russian Twists