Core & Upper Body Circuit (Bodyweight)

Today’s Core & Upper Body Circuit is completely bodyweight and strength-based (meaning no cardio). It’s also a “go-at-your-own-pace” type workout, so it can be doable for all levels (although extremely difficult for a beginner). This workout is also great for tracking your progress, so make sure to do so!

There are 5 different exercises with a certain amount of reps for each. Your goal is to complete all 5 exercises 4 times in a row. You can take breaks as you need, but the point is to time yourself and try to beat your record the next time you do the workout.

This workout is meant to be slow and controlled, so despite trying to beat your time, you still want to go slow and really try to feel every exercise. If you rush through it, it won’t be nearly as effective for strength. The exercises are also strategically placed to burn out certain muscles, so if that’s what you’re feeling, you’re doing it right!

As a time reference, it took me around 15 minutes to complete this. Don’t compare yourself to me, but use it as a reference point to aim toward. Practice makes perfect, I started out at the beginning too, and now I teach exercise for a living, go figure!

When you’re ready, start a stopwatch and only stop it once you’ve completed the workout. Make sure to check the time right away and mark it down with the date. Every few weeks you can repeat this workout and try to beat your record each time. If you’re doing other workouts (including any of mine, click here) including this one, you’ll definitely see improvements each time you do it!

Target: abs, back, chest, shoulders, triceps, and hamstrings

Level: intermediate

Equipment: a stopwatch and your kickass self

Fun: hellz to the yea!

Click on each exercise to see a video of what it is. Even if you think you know, it’s always good to be sure you’re doing it correctly. As always, if you have any questions, please reach out!

4 Rounds For Time (RFT) of:

6x Twisted Push Ups (3 each side) *

8x Inchworm Push Ups *

10x High/Low Plank (5 each) *

12x Dips

14x Rotating Knee Crunch (7 each side)

*If you don’t feel as if you’re getting the full benefit of these exercises from your toes, please do them on your knees while maintaining a flat back (no butts in the air!). I cannot stress this enough, it’s not cheating or taking the easy way out, it’s doing the exercise in a way that is appropriate for you right now.