Multi-Plank Challenge

With 5 types of planks and 2 different challenges, there is so much to do! That’s what we’ve got going on for this week’s workout.

With this workout, you can track your progress, so make sure to bookmark it, log your results and refer back to them when you repeat this in a week or two.

Target: abs & shoulders

Level: intermediate - advanced

Equipment: a timer and your kickass self

Fun: hellz to the yea!

There are 2 different challenges in this workout. You can choose to do both or just one depending on your level and how you’re feeling the day you workout. Also, if you repeat this workout, you can change challenges, or add in the second one. You’re never stuck doing the same thing each time.

Challenge #1: Choose an amount of time, set a timer and count how many rounds you get through until the buzzer goes off. Log it and refer back to it next time, trying to beat it. If you do this challenge, you’re basically doing an AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in whatever time you set.

Challenge #2: How many exercises (or rounds) can you get through without dropping to your knees? You can pike your bum up in the air, but don’t drop your knees even in-between exercises when transitioning from one to the next. If you do this challenge, you can do an AMRAP and try to go as long as possible without dropping, take note of every time you drop down. Alternatively, you can decide to go for rounds, taking note of how far you get to in each round without dropping down. If you’re doing both challenges, you’re doing an AMRAP.

This workout can be taxing on the wrists and shoulders so if you have issues with those, I would definitely advise ignoring challenge #2 as you may want to do some of the exercises on your knees to relieve some pressure.

7x Pike Push Ups

14x Side Plank Hip Dips (7 each side)

7x High/Low Plank

14x Crossbody Mountain Climbers (7 each side)

7x High Plank Hand Walkouts

Note: All exercises except for the Crossbody Mt Climbers can be modified to be done on the knees if it’s too difficult on the toes (due to injury, or just not strong enough YET).