Wine Bottle Upper Body Workout @ Home!

Instead of doing a typical at home bodyweight workout, I figured I’d change things up a little by adding in some weights. Don’t worry, you don’t have to buy any, pick any two items you have in your house that weigh the same. I picked two 750ml wine bottles! (Great for post-workout! 🤪) Just remember, the lighter the weight, the easier.

This is a strength based workout, so you really want to make sure you feel each exercise and your muscles working. If you’re not sure, take different “weights” and see which ones are better for you during the workout.

This workout will take you about 8-minutes. You have 30-seconds of an exercise, and then on option to hold that exercise, or take a 10-second break. Remember, you want this to challenge you, so if you don’t need the break, don’t take it. If anything, pause the video at the end of each round and take your break. The longer you can go with proper form, the better you will be in the long run. No pain, no gain!

Questions or comments? Let me know! Have fun and good luck! 💪

3 Rounds of:

30s Wide Push Ups

10s Hold Wide Push Ups OR Break

30s Bent Over Flys

10s Hold Bent Over Flys OR Break

30s Frontal Raises

10s Hold Frontal Raises OR Break

30s Triceps Kickback

10s Hold Triceps Kickback OR Break